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100 Designs for a Modern World: Kravis Design Center

100 Designs for a Modern World: Kravis Design Center - Penny Sparke, George R. Kravis II

Some design books break designs down into the categories “good” and “bad,” highlighting what works and what doesn’t. The idea is that artists can develop their sense of aesthetics by learning from example, and to a point, that’s true. However, some designs require no explanation. The designs featured in 100 Designs for a Modern World, by George R. Kravis, simply /work/. They don’t need to be diagrammed like sentences. You can tell at a glance what works, but at the same time, you can keep coming back to each design and find something new every time. 100 Designs for a Modern World belongs in the library of any artist who wants to leave his or her mark on the art world.